Návod k použití SONY TCM-150

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Mode d'emploi SONY TCM-150

Můžete si také stáhnout následující manuály související s tímto produktem:

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   SONY TCM-150 annexe 10 (1429 ko)
   SONY TCM-150 DATASHEET (400 ko)

Abstrakt manuálu: návod k obsluze SONY TCM-150

Podrobný návod k použití je v uživatelské příručce.

[. . . ] m PAUSE c is slid in the direction of the arrow. m The AC power adaptor or car battery cord is not firmly connected. m The batteries have been inserted, but simultaneously the AC power adaptor is connected and not to be done to the wall outlet. Tape speed is too fast or too slow in the playback mode. [. . . ] Note Replace batteries BATT When you record a lecture or a speech, use the microphone in a standing position. 1 Slide the POP-UP MIC switch as illustrated. flash REC Notes · During FF(CUE) or REW(REVIEW), the i lamp may flash. Only when the tape does not run properly, replace the batteries. · In some cases when the unit is used with rechargeable batteries, only one BATT/REC lamp will light even though the batteries have been fully charged. · After the batteries have been used for a while, the BATT/REC lamp(s) may flash with the playback sound when you turn up the volume; however, this does not mean that you need to replace the batteries. · The unit will play back normally for a while even after the i lamp flashes. However, replace the batteries as soon as you can. If you do not, a loud noise may be emitted by the built-in speaker or subsequent recording will not be done correctly. · When the tape starts running or at the end of the tape the i lamp may momentarily light. If the lamp goes off, you do not need to replace the batteries. When recording with an external microphone, the VOR system may not work properly because of the difference in sensitivity. 2 Face the microphone toward the sound source. · To use the microphone without standing it About This Manual The instructions in this manual are for TCM-150, TCM465V and TCM-36. Before you start reading, check your model number. (For TCM-36: For Japan use the AC-E30M, not supplied) Do not use any other AC power adaptor. Polarity of the plug * PAUSE c will be also automatically released when p STOP is pressed (stop-pause-release function). To monitor the sound Connect an earphone (not supplied) firmly to the EAR jack. Notes ·Do not use a CrO2 (TYPE II) or metal (TYPE IV) tape, otherwise the sound may be distorted when you play back the tape, or the previous recording may not be erased completely. ·The SPEED CONTROL switch works in the playback mode only. Recording will be made independent of this control. Note Specifications for AC-E30HG varies for each area. Check your local voltage and the shape of plug before purchasing. To clean the tape heads and path Wipe the heads, pinch rollers, and the capstans with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol every 10 hours of use. To clean the exterior Use a soft cloth slightly moistened in water. Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinner. To take out the batteries z Operating the Unit Search forward during playback (CUE) Search backward during playback (REVIEW) Fast forward** Rewind** Start recording during playback Recording To attach the battery compartment lid if it is accidentally detached You can record right away with the built-in microphone. Make sure that nothing is connected to the MIC jack. Notes on VOR (Voice Operated Recording) (TCM-465V/ 459V only) ·The VOR system depends on the environment conditions. If you cannot get the desired results, set VOR to OFF. ·When using the VOR system, the unit starts recording only when a sound is detected, therefore, the beginning of the word may not be recorded. For an important recording, we recommend setting VOR to OFF. Specifications Recording system 2-track 1 channel monaural Frequency range 250 - 6, 300 Hz Speaker Approx. [. . . ] Notes ·Cue will not be marked if you press STOP or PAUSE immediately after having pressed CUE MARKER. ·You may hear noise at the cue marker position during playback when you are listening to the recording through a sensitive earphone. z Additional Information Precautions On power ·Operate the unit only on 3V DC. For AC operation, use the AC power adaptor recommended for the unit. For battery operation, use two size R6 (AA) batteries. [. . . ]

Prohlášení o odpovědnosti, před stažením uživatelské příručky SONY TCM-150

Lastmanuals nabízí služby sdílení, ukládání a vyhledávání manuálů pro použití hardware a software: Uživatelská příručka, Příručka pro rychlý start, technické listy ...
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