Návod k použití SONY D-FJ787

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Mode d'emploi SONY D-FJ787

Můžete si také stáhnout následující manuály související s tímto produktem:

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   SONY D-FJ787 (235 ko)
   SONY D-FJ787 (589 ko)
   SONY D-FJ787 annexe 4 (589 ko)
   SONY D-FJ787 annexe 5 (589 ko)
   SONY D-FJ787 annexe 1 (227 ko)
   SONY D-FJ787 annexe 2 (226 ko)
   SONY D-FJ787 annexe 3 (282 ko)
   SONY D-FJ787 DATASHEET (276 ko)

Abstrakt manuálu: návod k obsluze SONY D-FJ787

Podrobný návod k použití je v uživatelské příručce.

[. . . ] Also press to select the preset station you want. To play from the first track, press for 2 seconds or more while the CD player is stopped. Press and hold to enter the preset mode. Also press to store the station in memory. [. . . ] hours) (When the CD player is used on a flat and stable place. ) Playing time varies depending on how the CD player is used. G-PROTECTION ON OFF Two Sony alkaline batteries LR6 (SG) (produced in Japan) 40 36 RADIO ON 70 qa HOLD Display/ Play mode PRESET Band Track number/PRESET number Playing time/Frequency MONO** Remaining battery power AVLS Sound mode * Measured value by the standard of JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association). qs G-PROTECTION Set it to ON to protect against sound skipping. *4 *1 AVLS = Automatic Volume Limiter System *2 If the sound is distorted when using the SOUND function, turn down the volume. *3 AMS = Automatic Music Sensor *4 Sound may skip: ­ if the CD player receives stronger continuous shock than expected, ­ if a dirty or scratched CD is played or ­ when using poor-quality CD-Rs/CD-RWs or if there is a problem with the recording device or application software. To check the remaining power of the batteries You can check it in the display. Replace the batteries when " t t t t Lo batt* " flashes. t 1 2 · A D *Beep sounds. To remove the CD Remove the CD while pressing the pivot (E). (Continue to the reverse side) Notes · C DC IN 4. 5V to an AC outlet · The indicator sections of roughly shows the remaining battery power. One section does not always indicate one-fourth of the battery power. · Depending on operating conditions, the indicator sections of may increase or decrease. Notes on using the dry batteries AC power adaptor · Be sure to remove the AC power adaptor. · When the batteries are depleted, replace both batteries with new ones. Playing a CD i To insert a CD 1 Press OPEN to open the lid (A). 2 Fit the CD to the pivot, then close the lid (D). Headphones or earphones Notes · This CD player can play CD-Rs/CD-RWs recorded in the Compact Disc Digital Audio (Audio CD) format, but playback capability may vary depending on the quality of the disc and the condition of the recording device. When listening to the radio on batteries If you connect the external power source plug to the DC IN 4. 5 V jack of your CD player, the CD player will turn off. Turn it on by pressing RADIO ON to continue listening to it. On dry batteries · Do not throw the batteries into fire. · Do not carry the batteries with coins or other metallic objects. 205 g (7. 3 oz) Playing your favorite tracks by adding Bookmarks (Bookmark track play) You can add Bookmarks to up to 99 tracks for each CD. You can use this function for up to 5 CDs. Operating temperature 5°C - 35°C (41°F - 95°F) Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. 5 Press . or > repeatedly to select the preset number you want to store the station on while "PRESET" flashes. 6 Press MEMORY. When the station is preset successfully, the beep sounds and "PRESET" stops flashing in the display. To preset another station, press PLAY MODE/ and repeat steps 2 to 6. To add Bookmarks 1 During playback of the track where you want to add a Bookmark, press and hold u until " (Bookmark)" flashes in the display. When the Bookmark has been added successfully, flashing of " " becomes slow. · Supplied Accessories AC power adaptor (1) Headphones/earphones (1) · · On headphones/earphones Road safety Do not use headphones/earphones while driving, cycling, or operating any motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in some areas. It can also be potentially dangerous to play your headsets at high volume while walking, especially at pedestrian crossings. You should exercise extreme caution or discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations. 2 Repeat step 1 to add Bookmarks to the tracks you want. To exit the PRESET MEMORY standby mode When the radio is turned on, you can exit the PRESET MEMORY standby mode using one of the following procedures. Preset stations, however, will remain stored in the CD player's memory. · Press and hold MEMORY until "PRESET" stops flashing. · Do not press any button for 30 seconds. [. . . ] Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinner. Playing preset radio stations 1 Press BAND to select the band. 2 Switch your CD player to the preset mode*, then press . *For details, refer to "Tuning mode and Preset mode. " To clean the plugs If the plugs become dirty, there is no audio or noise is heard. Clean them with a dry soft cloth periodically. 1 u · · · x· Listening to the radio 1 Press RADIO ON to turn on the radio. [. . . ]

Prohlášení o odpovědnosti, před stažením uživatelské příručky SONY D-FJ787

Lastmanuals nabízí služby sdílení, ukládání a vyhledávání manuálů pro použití hardware a software: Uživatelská příručka, Příručka pro rychlý start, technické listy ...
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