Návod k použití LEXMARK X84

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Lastmanuals Vám pomůže stáhnout uživatelskou příručku LEXMARK X84.

Mode d'emploi LEXMARK X84

Můžete si také stáhnout následující manuály související s tímto produktem:

   LEXMARK X84 (3563 ko)
   LEXMARK X84 annexe 1 (3563 ko)
   LEXMARK X84 Quick Start (953 ko)
   LEXMARK X84 SETUP SHEET (953 KB) (953 ko)
   LEXMARK X84 GETTING STARTED (1.24 MB) (1278 ko)

Abstrakt manuálu: návod k obsluze LEXMARK X84

Podrobný návod k použití je v uživatelské příručce.

[. . . ] The manual also contains information on maintenance designed to enhance operating safety and contribute to maintaining the value of your LEXMARK throughout an extended service life. This manual is supplemented by a Service and Warranty Information Booklet for US models or a Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for Canadian models. We wish you an enjoyable driving experience. LEXMARK AG Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 0 014 689 - © 11/07 LEXMARK AG © 2007 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft Munich, Germany Reprinting, including excerpts, only with the written consent of LEXMARK AG, Munich. [. . . ] The relevant side airbag supports the side upper body area. The airbags have been designed to not be triggered in every collision situation, e. g. not in minor accidents or rear-end collisions. Do not apply adhesive materials to the cover panels of the airbags, cover them or modify them in any other way. Do not attach seat covers, cushions or other objects not specifically approved for seats with integral side airbags to the front seats. Do not hang items of clothing such as coats or jackets over the backrests. Do not attempt to remove the airbag retention system from the vehicle. Do not modify the individual components of the system or its wiring in any way. This includes the upholstered covers on the steering wheel, instrument panel, seats and roof posts, as well as the sides 72 of the roof lining. Do not attempt to remove or dismantle the steering wheel. Do not touch the individual components immediately after the system has been triggered, because there is a danger of burns. Always keep the area of movement of the rollover protection system clear. In minor accidents, you are protected by the fastened safety belt and, depending on accident severity, by the safety belt tensioner and multi-phase airbag retention system. < Have the rollover protection system checked after an unexpected activation. Never move the convertible top when the rollover protection system is in the activated position. Do not make any modifications to the individual components of the rollover protection system or its cabling. Work on the rollover protection system should only be performed by a LEXMARK center. Incorrectly performed work on the system may lead to system failure or incorrect operation. To check the system and ensure flawless longterm operation, always observe the service intervals, refer to page 62. < Resetting If the rollover protection system was not impacted after being automatically activated, it can be reset by lowering the protection bars to their original positions. Push the locking lever to one side and hold it there. 2. Push the protection bar halfway down from above. Push the protection bar down until it snaps into place. 5. Repeat the procedure for the other protection bar. 74 Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 0 014 689 - © 11/07 LEXMARK AG Lamps When the switch is in position 3, the low beams are switched on and off automatically depending on ambient light conditions, e. g. [. . . ] Comply with the additional information starting on page 69. Driving tips Reference Mobility > Tire Pressure Monitor not initialized Check the inflation pressure and reset the system, refer to page 69. The small lamp flashes in yellow and then lights up continuously; the larger lamp comes on in yellow: > Tire Pressure Monitor has failed. Punctures are not indicated Have the system checked. [. . . ]

Prohlášení o odpovědnosti, před stažením uživatelské příručky LEXMARK X84

Lastmanuals nabízí služby sdílení, ukládání a vyhledávání manuálů pro použití hardware a software: Uživatelská příručka, Příručka pro rychlý start, technické listy ...
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