Návod k použití BMW 116I

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Mode d'emploi BMW 116I
Abstrakt manuálu: návod k obsluze BMW 116I

Podrobný návod k použití je v uživatelské příručce.

[. . . ] Owner's Manual for Vehicle Contents A to Z The Ultimate Driving Machine Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 0 014 689 - © 11/07 BMW AG Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 0 014 689 - © 11/07 BMW AG 128i 135i Owner's Manual for Vehicle Congratulations, and thank you for choosing a BMW. Thorough familiarity with your vehicle will provide you with enhanced control and security when you drive it. We therefore have this request: Please take the time to read this Owner's Manual and familiarize yourself with the information that we have compiled for you before starting off in your new vehicle. It contains important data and instructions intended to assist you in gaining maximum use and satisfaction from your BMW's unique range of technical features. [. . . ] Do not modify the individual components of the system or its wiring in any way. This includes the upholstered covers on the steering wheel, instrument panel, seats and roof posts, as well as the sides 72 of the roof lining. Do not attempt to remove or dismantle the steering wheel. Do not touch the individual components immediately after the system has been triggered, because there is a danger of burns. In the event of malfunctions, deactivation or triggering of the airbag restraint system, have the testing, repair, removal and disposal of airbag generators executed only by a BMW center or a workshop that works according to repair procedures of BMW with correspondingly trained personnel and that has the required explosives licenses. Unprofessional attempts to work on the system could lead to failure in an emergency or to undesired airbag activation, either of which could result in personal injury. < Warning notices and information about the airbags can also be found on the sun visors. Automatic deactivation of the front passenger airbags An analysis of the impression in the front passenger seat cushion determines whether and how the seat is occupied. The front and side airbags for the front passenger are activated or deactivated by the system accordingly. The indicator lamp above the interior rearview mirror shows the current status of the front passenger airbags, deactivated or activated, refer to Status of front passenger airbags below. Before transporting a child on the front passenger seat, read the safety precautions and handling instructions under Transporting children safely, refer to page 45. The front and side airbags can also be deacti- Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 0 014 689 - © 11/07 BMW AG Status of front passenger airbags The indicator lamp for the front passenger airbags shows the functional status of the front passenger's front and side airbags in accordance with whether and how the front passenger seat is occupied. The indicator lamp shows whether the front passenger airbags are activated or deactivated. > The indicator lamp lights up when a child in a specially designated child-restraint system is detected, as intended, on the seat. The front and side airbags for the front passenger are not activated. Most child seats are detected by the system, especially child seats required by the NHTSA at the time of vehicle production. After mounting a child seat, ensure that the indicator lamp for the front passenger airbag is lit. It indicates that the child seat has been detected and that the front passenger airbags are deactivated. Airbag system malfunction > Warning lamp does not light up at radio readiness or beyond. > Warning lamp remains permanently on. In the event of a fault in the airbag system, have it checked without delay, otherwise there is the risk that the system will not function as intended even if a sufficiently severe accident occurs. < Convertible: rollover protection system The rollover protection system is activated automatically in the event of an accident, a critical driving situation, an extreme tilt in the car's longitudinal axis or upon loss of ground contact. The protection bars behind the rear head restraints deploy within fractions of a second. 73 Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 0 014 689 - © 11/07 BMW AG Reference Mobility Driving tips As of radio readiness, refer to page 48, the warning lamp comes on briefly to indicate that the entire airbag system and the belt tensioners are operational. Controls vated by adolescents and adults sitting in certain positions; the indicator lamp for the front passenger airbags comes on. In such cases, the passenger should change his or her sitting position so that the front passenger airbags are activated and the indicator lamp goes out. If the desired airbag status cannot be achieved by changing the sitting position, transport the relevant passenger on a rear seat. Do not attach seat covers, seat cushion padding, ball mats or other items to the front passenger seat unless they are specifically recommended by BMW. [. . . ] Comply with the additional information starting on page 70. 137 Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 0 014 689 - © 11/07 BMW AG Controls At a glance Indicator and warning lamps 1 2 Cause Lights up in red: > Transmission limp-home program active with restricted range of gears, possibly with reduced acceleration. Gears can be engaged without depressing the brake Lights up in yellow: > Automatic selector lever locked: Selector lever locked in position P with engine running and brake depressed or > Brake signal malfunctioning: gear can be engaged without depressing the brake Lights up in red: Transmission overheating Special actions to be taken You can continue your journey, but moderate your speed and exercise due caution. Always depress the brake to engage a gear. Have the system checked as soon as possible. [. . . ]

Prohlášení o odpovědnosti, před stažením uživatelské příručky BMW 116I

Lastmanuals nabízí služby sdílení, ukládání a vyhledávání manuálů pro použití hardware a software: Uživatelská příručka, Příručka pro rychlý start, technické listy ...
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