Návod k použití SONY SDM-E96A

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Lastmanuals Vám pomůže stáhnout uživatelskou příručku SONY SDM-E96A.

Mode d'emploi SONY SDM-E96A
Abstrakt manuálu: návod k obsluze SONY SDM-E96A

Podrobný návod k použití je v uživatelské příručce.

[. . . ] · Aus ergonomischen Gründen (flimmern) sollten nur Darstellungen bei Vertikalfrequenzen ab 70 Hz (ohne Zeilensprung) verwendet werden. · Die Konvergenz des Bildes kann sich auf Grund des Magnetfeldes am Ort der Aufstellung aus der korrekten Grundeinstellung verändern. Zur Korrektur empfiehlt es sich deshalb, die Regler an der Frontseite für Konvergenz so einzustellen, daß die getrennt sichtbaren Farblinien für Rot, Grün und Blau bei z. B. der Darstellung eines Buchstabens zur Deckung (Konvergenz) gelangen. [. . . ] to move the top of the picture to the left The OSD automatically disappears after about 30 seconds. To close the OSD, press the MENU button again. To reset, press the RESET button while the OSD is on. The selected item is reset to the factory setting. 10 Getting Started Customizing Your Monitor Using the ZOOM On-screen Display The ZOOM settings allow you to enlarge or reduce the picture. Once the setting is adjusted, it will be stored in memory for the current input signal. Using the COLOR On-screen Display You can change the monitor's color temperature. For example, you can change the colors of a picture on the screen to match the actual colors of the printed picture. Once the setting is adjusted, it will be stored in memory for all input signals received. 1 Press the MENU button. The MENU OSD appears. MENU 1 Press the MENU button. The MENU OSD appears. MENU 2 Press the ¨. /> and >?// buttons to select " ZOOM, " and press the MENU button again. The ZOOM OSD appears. ZOOM 2 Press the ¨. /> and >?// buttons to select " COLOR, " and press the MENU button again. The COLOR OSD appears. COLOR 9300K 5000K EN F ES H V 26 73 3 Press the >?//buttons to adjust the picture zoom. / . The OPTION OSD appears. OPTION EN F ES C ON ?to turn CANCEL MOIRE "OFF" OFF ON MANUAL DEGAUSS MOIRE ADJUST / . to increase the moire cancellation effect 50 3 Press the ¨. /> buttons to select " DEGAUSS). " (MANUAL ?to decrease the moire cancellation effect 0 4 Press the > / button. The screen is degaussed for about 5 seconds. The OSD automatically disappears after about 30 seconds. To close the OSD, press the MENU button again. To reset, press the RESET button while the OSD is on. The selected item is reset to the factory setting. If you need to degauss the screen a second time, wait for at least 20 minutes before repeating the steps above. The OPTION OSD automatically disappears after about 30 seconds. To close the OSD, press the MENU button again. 13 Customizing Your Monitor Changing the on-screen display position You can change the OSD position (for example, when you want to adjust the picture behind the OSD). Locking the controls The control lock function disables all of the buttons on the front panel except the u (power) switch and MENU button. 1 Press the MENU button. The MENU OSD appears. MENU 1 Press the MENU button. [. . . ] Excessive cable length or a weak connection can produce this symptom. · Cancel the moire (pages 12 ­ 13). The moire may be modified depending on the connected computer. · Due to the relationship between resolution, monitor dot pitch and the pitch of some image patterns, certain screen backgrounds sometimes show moire. [. . . ]

Prohlášení o odpovědnosti, před stažením uživatelské příručky SONY SDM-E96A

Lastmanuals nabízí služby sdílení, ukládání a vyhledávání manuálů pro použití hardware a software: Uživatelská příručka, Příručka pro rychlý start, technické listy ...
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