Návod k použití SONY D-EJ250

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Lastmanuals Vám pomůže stáhnout uživatelskou příručku SONY D-EJ250.

Mode d'emploi SONY D-EJ250

Můžete si také stáhnout následující manuály související s tímto produktem:

   SONY D-EJ250 annexe 1 (199 ko)
   SONY D-EJ250 (222 ko)
   SONY D-EJ250 annexe 1 (246 ko)
   SONY D-EJ250 annexe 2 (246 ko)
   SONY D-EJ250 annexe 3 (199 ko)

Abstrakt manuálu: návod k obsluze SONY D-EJ250

Podrobný návod k použití je v uživatelské příručce.

[. . . ] Press repeatedly to select BASS or BASS . BASS enhances more than BASS . *3 · Also use to keep down the maximum volume to protect your hearing. Press and hold until "AVLS*4" appears in the display. To turn off the AVLS function, press and hold again until "AVLS" disappears. [. . . ] To play from the first track, press for 2 seconds or more while the CD player is stopped. · Also press to enter the selection. Use to lock the controls to prevent accidental button presses. · Press once to display "track number and remaining time of the current track. " Press twice to display "the number of tracks left and the time remaining on the CD. " Press three times to display "track number and elapsed playing time (normal display). " · Also press to enter the menu and to enter the selection. · · · · 1. > * ­/+ ­/+ . > > 2 Insert two batteries by matching the 3 to the diagram Remote control/ qs VOL +/­ 5 u* 2 3 q; qa x RADIO ON/BAND· RADIO OFF Display on CD player/ Track number/ PRESET number Band G-PROTECTION Playing time/ Frequency Sound mode in the battery compartment and close the lid until it clicks into place. 3 When using the rechargeable batteries, connect the AC power adaptor to the DC IN 4. 5 V jack of your CD player and an AC outlet, then press x/ CHG to start charging. The indicator light up in succession and "CHG" sections of appears in the display. When the batteries are completely charged, the "CHG" and indicators get turned off. If you press x/CHG after the charge has already been completed, the indicator flashes and "Full" appears in the display. C 1 B 2 3 4 5u · 2 RADIO ON 3 BAND 4 MEMORY · · · 6 7 · 6 HOLD 1 . /> PRESET ­/+ Clip PRESET AVLS Bookmark MONO Play mode PGM Remaining battery power 4 Disconnect the AC power adaptor. hours) (When the CD player is used on a flat and stable place. ) Playing time varies depending on how the CD player is used. G-PROTECTION ON OFF Two NH-7WMAA (charged for about 2 hours**) Two Sony alkaline batteries LR6 (SG) (produced in Japan) 14 12 RADIO ON 21 5u (play/pause) *The button has a tactile dot. * 1 2 3 3 Note Use only the supplied remote control. From this step on, start the next operation within 30 seconds after you finished the previous operation. If 30 seconds pass with nothing done, "PRESET" stops flashing which shows that the CD player has exited the PRESET MEMORY standby mode. If this happens, start from step 4 again. * You can set this item during both play and stop. When listening to the radio, this function does not work. The time set is estimated. The battery compartment lid is dettached by an accidental drop, excessive force, etc. c Attach it as illustrated below. 1 2 3 4 5 · . > u 1 2 ­ · · Note If you disconnect the power sources, all settings return to the defaults. u · Notes · During playback of the tracks with Bookmarks, tracks are played in order of track number, and not in the order you added the Bookmarks. · If you try to add Bookmarks to the tracks on the 6th CD, the Bookmarks of the CD you played back first will be erased. · All Bookmarks stored in memory will be erased: ­ if you remove all the power sources, or ­ if you continue playing the CD player on the rechargeable batteries without charging the batteries even though "Lo batt" is displayed. u · Precautions On safety · Should any solid objects or liquid fall into the CD player, unplug it and have it checked by qualified personnel before operating it any further. · Do not put any foreign objects in the DC IN 4. 5 V (external power input) jack. u u 5 Press PRESET + or ­ repeatedly to select the preset number you want to store the station on while "PRESET" flashes. 6 Press MEMORY. When the station is preset successfully, the beep sounds and "PRESET" stops flashing in the display. To preset another station, press P MODE/ repeat steps 2 to 6. [. . . ] 2 Switch your CD player to the preset mode*, then press PRESET + or ­ to tune in a stored station. *For details, refer to "Tuning mode and Preset mode. " Dimensions (w/h/d) (without projecting parts and controls) Approx. 135. 8 × 24. 3 × 135. 8 mm 3 . > u Listening to the radio 1 Press RADIO ON to turn on the radio. 2 Press BAND until the band you want appears. Each time you press the button, the display changes as follows: Mass (excluding accessories) Approx. [. . . ]

Prohlášení o odpovědnosti, před stažením uživatelské příručky SONY D-EJ250

Lastmanuals nabízí služby sdílení, ukládání a vyhledávání manuálů pro použití hardware a software: Uživatelská příručka, Příručka pro rychlý start, technické listy ...
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