Návod k použití SONY CMU-BR100

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Lastmanuals Vám pomůže stáhnout uživatelskou příručku SONY CMU-BR100.

Mode d'emploi SONY CMU-BR100

Můžete si také stáhnout následující manuály související s tímto produktem:

   SONY CMU-BR100 (1109 ko)
   SONY CMU-BR100 (1109 ko)
   SONY CMU-BR100 (162 ko)
   SONY CMU-BR100 DATASHEET (160 ko)

Abstrakt manuálu: návod k obsluze SONY CMU-BR100

Podrobný návod k použití je v uživatelské příručce.

[. . . ] This is due to the fact that different retailers often specify slightly different product inclusions and accessories to suit their market requirements, customer demographics, and geographical preferences. Products very often vary between retailers especially with accessories such as batteries, chargers, memory cards, cables, pouches, and language support. Occasionally a retailer will specify a unique product color, appearance, and internal memory capacity. Contact your dealer for precise product definition and included accessories. [. . . ] Press Shutter / OK button To prevent valuable data from being accidentally erased from an SD/SDHC memory card, you can slide the write protect tab (on the side of the SD/ SDHC memory card) to "LOCK". To save, edit, or erase data on an SD/SDHC memory card, you must unlock the card. To prevent damaging of an SD/SDHC memory card, be sure to turn off the power when inserting or removing the SD/SDHC memory card. If inserting or removing the SD/SDHC memory card with the power on, the camera will automatically turn off. Be careful not to drop the batteries when opening or closing the Write protect tab battery door. EN-10 Write protection state Turning the Power On/Off Open screen or press the POWER button to turn on your camera. To turn the power off, close screen or press the POWER button again. To extend battery life, the power is turned off automatically when the camera has not been operated for a fixed period of time. To resume, Press the Power button to turn the camera on again. Refer to section in this manual titled "Auto Off" in the Setup Menu for further details. EN-11 Video recording mode This mode allows you to record video clips at a resolution of 1080P30 (1440 x 1080) / 720P30 (1280 x 720) / WVGA (848 x 480) / QVGA (320 x 240) 1. Slide (Mode) to set the camera mode to video mode [ ]. Frame your subject by viewing it on the LCD display. 5. Slide (Mode) to set the camera mode to video mode [ ]. Press the MANU button[ ] to enter the video setup menu. Select the desired option item with the / buttons, and press the shutter/OK button. Choose the desired setting with the / buttons, and press the shutter/OK button. To exit from the menu, press the MANU button[ ]. Resolution This sets the resolution of the video clip that will be captured. * [1080P30] 1440x1080 * [720P30] 1280x720 * [WVGA] 848 x 480 * [QVGA] 320 x 240 Quality This sets the quality (compression) at which the image is captured. * Super fine * Fine * Normal EN-17 Photo Menu This menu is for the basic camera settings to be used when capturing still images. Quality: Super Fine S Size: 5M(2592X1944) 10 Self Timer: Off Capture: 3 1. Slide the focus switch to your desired focus setting based on the subject distance. Frame your scene and press the shutter/OK button. : Your image(s) will be unsharp if you are not within the macro focus range. The table below will help you choose the appropriate focus mode: FOCUS MODE Normal Macro DESCRIPTION This mode is suitable for scenery and portrait shooting. Select macro to capture close-up images. [. . . ] You can also share the recorded video s on YouTube website via the built-in YouTube Direct application w hich offers you an easy way to upload your video clips to YouTube instantly. The camera will not capture any movie or picture when it is connected to a TV. The LCD display will not turn on when the camera is connected to a TV. EN-27 VIEWING PHOTOS AND VIDEOS ON A TV Connecting to TV When you wish to view on High Definition (HD) TV, please use supplied HDMI cable and connect as shown: Set your HDTV to corresponding HDMI INPUT (review TV Manual if needed) and use camera buttons in the same way as you use camera during PLAYBACK mode. You may also view PICTURES and recorded VIDEOS on typical standard TV set. Make connection as shown: (VIDEO)YELLOW RED WHITE TV DEFAULT SETTINGS Still Setup Quality Size Self Timer Capture Super Fine 5M Off 1 Video Setup Resolution Quality 1080P30 Super Fine Setup Mode Language TV Type Date/Time Display Format Default Setting Auto Power Off Version English PAL Y/M/D/H/M Off No No 3Min EN-28 EDITING SOFTWARE INSTALLATION MediaImpression - manages your media for you, and gives you tons of fun andexciting ways to create and share projects featuring your photo, video, and music files. Create your own movies or photo slide shows, complete with soundtrack; edit, enhance, and add fun creative effects to your photos; and share your files easily through simpleemail attachments or popular photo printing and video sharing websites. [. . . ]

Prohlášení o odpovědnosti, před stažením uživatelské příručky SONY CMU-BR100

Lastmanuals nabízí služby sdílení, ukládání a vyhledávání manuálů pro použití hardware a software: Uživatelská příručka, Příručka pro rychlý start, technické listy ...
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