Návod k použití PHILIPS AS 351

Lastmanuals nabízí služby sdílení, ukládání a vyhledávání manuálů pro použití hardware a software: Uživatelská příručka, Příručka pro rychlý start, technické listy ... Nezapomeňte: Vždy si přečtěte uživatelskou příručku před zakoupením!

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Lastmanuals Vám pomůže stáhnout uživatelskou příručku PHILIPS AS 351.

Mode d'emploi PHILIPS AS 351

Můžete si také stáhnout následující manuály související s tímto produktem:

   PHILIPS AS351 (1372 ko)
   PHILIPS AS351 (1296 ko)
   PHILIPS AS351 BROCHURE (1113 ko)

Abstrakt manuálu: návod k obsluze PHILIPS AS 351

Podrobný návod k použití je v uživatelské příručce.

[. . . ] eEoec'd v{O`o QvNg QsO`o [Qhla N<~yN ~b <fTJ N u_g, e[sbg^LcR60 OE etb z ^g S[u5Q0 u5S /b g: i0 cN Ou(<{--g:f>y:VhRM< <^vu_NN <f % % % % % % Y, goeW(N keg Q. . . N O Ou(f>y:Vh \ f>y:Vhu5ncY4bN 0 R R\ <bƭdg T&R SmSu5Q0 NŭPT h<~bNTXbƭdg0 <R\ riOSe>nW(f>y:Vh~v riOSSQe ~S b n. . . = ~S _qTf>y:Vhu5[P ^ŷnkc^8QSt0 N:QMu5Q~έib l8NE`'c_WOg:Vh R R\ f>y:Vhf--2W(N-b ONKcsn^0 R ROu(`R|b l(WmOSn m f>y:Vh0 _ŷeu(z _|~nv, , ^ n m 0 n m RM u5ncY4bN 0 e>nkdf>y:Vhe , <xn<u5n~TOEc^f/[f cN v, , 0 Y, goeu_g, bKQOE<f dO\ OFf>y:VhN kc^8зl <N ~bNTXcm=0 V~uTM `S-- v, , Qv[eN{&S<f QsNZg, c SW g, u5[Pu(b7c SW u(NZNOU~R)mf_i, rf>y:Vhu(b70 [cϷN<f>y:Vhry_0 <[s0 dO\TOEQv [O`o <DeTMN SpR7rHg, [OEQhvT 0 c SWN-S T+NN z, , % % % % % % % % % [QhN eEoec'dO`ocO>c'd^8eEoev, , cy:TOEelNS`S-- v, , Qv[g Q `o0 QsNZg, u5[Pu(b7bKQOE {N~NbKQOEQ. . . [0 {&S<f NS`S-- S N0 NTO`o{N~Ng, f>y:Vhv, , ry_SQvbg/h<0 [^f>y:Vh NTMk!<[sz {N~Nf>y:VhOu(el0 \O^Uf>y:cO>NOE etf>y:Vh<[sP<v, , O`o0 [b7g RN OOR N>NN uLT W0~R)mfm^9 O`oN-_0 g RSu5<Sx NS OOO`o0 g/<^h[bg/u(<O\Nf<~v, , `0 N } ~yQA<`W(xlvN-O[XN N[OEetv, , bKQOE0 ^8~~ 0 V~uTM `S-- v, , Qv[eN dg, u5[Pu(b7c SW `S-- S NN eN Y % ~R)mf_i, rf>y:Vh_ Qec SW `;~Nf>y:Vh<[skes0 <c SWg, NTcO>0 rHgCb@g 2 0 0 5^t K o n i n k l i j k e Philips Elect g*~ P h i l i p s Electronics e90 Qy0 yu(0 u(O\QlQqu( 0 O "S b ^d-0 N . V . Nf--b<S N%y[g, eNQ NTry_ bg/h< R, , u5 [zrih< c"^R `M NTV NTry_ W<S {&T h Q ~oe, r T C O ' 0 3pp, r 202P40 "pp, r /z, r 202P45CO'99 T 202P4 % % % % % % % 2 2, [ 2 0 . 0, [ V I S w [z^s--b_i, rf>y:Vh `u( I C Ebg/ Qwg u(NZT |{ M A C0 P Cb ]O\z0 Rbkcvl4^s~`s g sS﷾ 1 3 0 k H z g Y'R sN: 2 0 4 8 1920 x 1 4 4 0 Ssط 8 5 H z0 ^s--bvҷ. . . s[k^ C R T sR s 0 . 2 4k|s, , 0 Rh!QRYS\ , r_iTOEN^ROE , , N:SYP< ^f>y:Vh[T}0 T ^--by\ v, , Y'g^Uf>y: QhN uLg . . . , , v, , 2 2, [^s--bf>y:Vh g Y'Ss^NN 1 8 . [. . . ] Only) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user file:///D|/EDFU/crt_19_5/edoc/s_chi/202P/SAFETY/regs/regulat. htm (7 of 15)2005-04-21 W 10:39:52 Regulatory Information is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: q q q q Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Use only RF shielded cable that was supplied with the monitor when connecting this monitor to a computer device. To prevent damage which may result in fire or shock hazard, do not expose this appliance to rain or excessive moisture. THIS CLASS B DIGITAL APPARATUS MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE CANADIAN INTERFERENCECAUSING EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE Commission Federale de la Communication (FCC Declaration) Cet quipement a t test et dclar conforme auxlimites des appareils numriques de class B, aux termes de l'article 15 Des rgles de la FCC. Ces limites sont conues de faon fourir une protection raisonnable contre les interfrences nuisibles dans le cadre d'une installation rsidentielle. CET appareil produit, utilise et peut mettre des hyperfrquences qui, si l'appareil n'est pas install et utilis selon les consignes donnes, peuvent causer des interfrences nuisibles aux communications radio. Cependant, rien ne peut garantir l'absence d'interfrences dans le cadre d'une installation particulire. Si cet appareil est la cause d'interfrences nuisibles pour la rception des signaux de radio ou de tlvision, ce qui peut tre dcel en fermant l'quipement, puis en le remettant en fonction, l'utilisateur pourrait essayer de corriger la situation en prenant les mesures suivantes: q q q q Rorienter ou dplacer l'antenne de rception. Augmenter la distance entre l'quipement et le rcepteur. Brancher l'quipement sur un autre circuit que celui utilis par le rcepteur. Demander l'aide du marchand ou d'un technicien chevronn en radio/tlvision. file:///D|/EDFU/crt_19_5/edoc/s_chi/202P/SAFETY/regs/regulat. htm (8 of 15)2005-04-21 W 10:39:52 Regulatory Information Toutes modifications n'ayant pas reu l'approbation des services comptents en matire de conformit est susceptible d'interdire l'utilisateur l'usage du prsent quipement. N'utiliser que des cbles RF arms pour les connections avec des ordinateurs ou priphriques. CET APPAREIL NUMERIQUE DE LA CLASSE B RESPECTE TOUTES LES EXIGENCES DU REGLEMENT SUR LE MATERIEL BROUILLEUR DU CANADA. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only) RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE VCCI Notice (Japan Only) This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) for Information technology equipment. If this equipment is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio Interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual. Class B ITE file:///D|/EDFU/crt_19_5/edoc/s_chi/202P/SAFETY/regs/regulat. htm (9 of 15)2005-04-21 W 10:39:52 Regulatory Information RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE MIC Notice (South Korea Only) Class B Device Please note that this device has been approved for non-business purposes and may be used in any environment, including residential areas. RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE Polish Center for Testing and Certification Notice The equipment should draw power from a socket with an attached protection circuit (a three-prong socket). All equipment that works together (computer, monitor, printer, and so on) should have the same power supply source. The phasing conductor of the room's electrical installation should have a reserve short-circuit protection device in the form of a fuse with a nominal value no larger than 16 amperes (A). [. . . ] BOX 605 Phone: (595 21)-664 333 Fax : (595 21)-664 336 Customer Desk: Phone: 009 800 54 1 0004 file:///D|/EDFU/crt_19_5/edoc/s_chi/WARRANTY/WARCIC. HTM (5 of 12)2005-04-21 W 10:40:20 Consumer Information Centers PERU Philips Peruana S. A. Customer Desk Comandante Espinar 719 Casilla 1841 Limab18 Phone: (01)-2136200 Fax : (01)-2136276 URUGUAY Rambla O'Higgins 5303 Montevideo Uruguay Phone: (598)-619 66 66 Fax : (598)-619 77 77 Customer Desk: Phone: 0004054176 VENEZUELA Industrias Venezolanas Philips S. A. Apartado Postal 1167 Caracas 1010-A Phone: (02) 2377575 Fax : (02) 2376420 Canada CANADA Philips Electronics Ltd. 281 Hillmount Road Markham Ontario, L6C 2S3 Phone: 800- 479-6696 Fax:905-887-3974 Pacific file:///D|/EDFU/crt_19_5/edoc/s_chi/WARRANTY/WARCIC. HTM (6 of 12)2005-04-21 W 10:40:20 Consumer Information Centers AUSTRALIA Philips Consumer Electronics Customer Care Centre. [. . . ]

Prohlášení o odpovědnosti, před stažením uživatelské příručky PHILIPS AS 351

Lastmanuals nabízí služby sdílení, ukládání a vyhledávání manuálů pro použití hardware a software: Uživatelská příručka, Příručka pro rychlý start, technické listy ...
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